Nacalai Tesque offers silica and polymer filler columns, which are combined under the name of Cosmosil, to chromatography users. There is a broad portfolio of HPLC columns with various functional groups (C18, C8, NH2, etc.) and analysis-specific fillers. With the latest technology Core-Shell (SPP) and SFC (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography) columns, it closely follows the developments in the sector and develops innovative solution proposals.

Cosmosil Columns
Nacalai Tesque
 - C18-MS-II, C18-AR-II, C18-PAQ, C18-EB, Cosmocore C18
 - Cosmosil SL-II, CN-MS, NH2-MS, Sugar-D
 - C22-AR-II, C8-MS, C4-MS, PE-MS, TMS-MS
 - Cosmosil HILIC
 - Cosmosil Protein R, Cosmosil Diol, Cosmogel IEX, Cosmosil HIC
 - Cosmosil CHIRAL 3A-5A, Cosmosil CHIRAL 3B-5B, Cosmosil CHIRAL 3C-5C
 - Cosmosil CNT-300, CNT-1000, CNT-2000
 - Cosmosil SFC Columns
 - Cosmosil Columns with Special Functional Groups: Cholesteryl, PBr, PFP, NAP(Naphthylethyl), PYE(Pyrenethyl), NPE(Nitrophenylethyl)
 - Cosmosil mRNA and Oligonucleotide separation columns
 - Comosil Amino acid analysis kit